If you have emailed me and have NOT received a response, please check your SPAM folder for my emails. I respond to every email, and usually do so within 24 hours. If you feel like I have not responded to you, please contact me again and leave your phone number so that I can call you. Please add to your contacts to make sure and receive emails directly to your inbox. I have had a lot of trouble with this and sincerely apologize if you are one that experienced this and feel as if your email to me was not responded to. Thank you so much!


I am currently booking sessions for Spring sessions. Spring is always a busy time and weekends fill up very fast. Please contact me soon to get your session booked! I will always make room for newborns as they come on their own little schedules, but would love as much advance notice as possible. Remember that newborn sessions are done within the first 2 weeks.

My brother is really cool

>> Sunday, January 25, 2009

You know the excitement you feel when someone really surprises you by doing something that you NEVER expected from them? Well, that's what my brother did when I asked him if I could take he and his girlfriend's pictures. He was not the typical guy that was irritated about this "photo shoot" from the second we got there--no, not at all! He was actually, dare I say, "modelesque"? Thanks, Sarah for my new word that fits so good here! ;) Here are a couple from their session. Look out Ford!


sarahjane January 26, 2009 at 2:00 PM  

i was impressed looking through all of their photos... he was quite a good little subject:)they are are cute together

Anonymous January 30, 2009 at 8:05 PM  

Hi Kelly (I assume it's Kelly. I didn't see any personal contact info on you on your blog),

I just talked to your mom today and she told me about you. She's out son's nurse at AACP. She told me she had shown you my website and blog. How sweet of her. yes, if you ever need anything. Give me a call or send me an email.

By the looks of your work that you've posted so far, you are doing fabulously well! I'm impressed. There are a few things I'd like to pick your brain about as well.

Best wished to you on this new life adventure.

Tammy Labuda