If you have emailed me and have NOT received a response, please check your SPAM folder for my emails. I respond to every email, and usually do so within 24 hours. If you feel like I have not responded to you, please contact me again and leave your phone number so that I can call you. Please add to your contacts to make sure and receive emails directly to your inbox. I have had a lot of trouble with this and sincerely apologize if you are one that experienced this and feel as if your email to me was not responded to. Thank you so much!


I am currently booking sessions for Spring sessions. Spring is always a busy time and weekends fill up very fast. Please contact me soon to get your session booked! I will always make room for newborns as they come on their own little schedules, but would love as much advance notice as possible. Remember that newborn sessions are done within the first 2 weeks.

Abby part 2

>> Sunday, May 10, 2009

I know you are probably already scrolling down and just checking out the new pictures, then you are wondering "How current are these pictures? I thought the "bluebonnet" period was over..." so you come back up to read on why I am just now posting bluebonnet pictures. Yes, I know...they are very late. I did another mini-session with Abby in the bluebonnets because at the end of the day of our first session, the lighting just got terrible and I wasn't happy with the results. But, there is still an explanation for why this post is happening so late and here is is: Kim (mom) and I are friends and she has actually seen all of these, so we went through them together to pick some out for the new post. Kim also has been super sweet to tell me to put her's last, as I have just been out-of-control busy! I do always want to post some edited images from each session, so these are our top picks. I think all around they turned out beautiful-from the super cute dress Abby is wearing, to the bluebonnets, to those crazy-beautiful, blue eyes Abby has! Love this girl!