If you have emailed me and have NOT received a response, please check your SPAM folder for my emails. I respond to every email, and usually do so within 24 hours. If you feel like I have not responded to you, please contact me again and leave your phone number so that I can call you. Please add to your contacts to make sure and receive emails directly to your inbox. I have had a lot of trouble with this and sincerely apologize if you are one that experienced this and feel as if your email to me was not responded to. Thank you so much!


I am currently booking sessions for Spring sessions. Spring is always a busy time and weekends fill up very fast. Please contact me soon to get your session booked! I will always make room for newborns as they come on their own little schedules, but would love as much advance notice as possible. Remember that newborn sessions are done within the first 2 weeks.

Perfect Love-19 days {Wylie Newborn Photographer}

>> Wednesday, October 7, 2009

When I was processing some of these newborn images last night, I was listening to my iTunes, as usual and I found myself singing about "perfect love". It was a Christian song and was referring to God's love for us, but I just instantly connected it with this new family. I absolutely ADORE this session. I know mom from a photography club that we are members of and she is a photographer as well, so we instantly clicked. The photographer that just took our family pictures said that the Dad's make or break the session and that is so true! Ed was a perfect example of the perfect dad for photography sessions! He was patient, calm (maybe a bit comatose after sleepless nights-lol) and just so great to work with! He was even perfect when getting #1'd and #2'd all over him! I just couldn't ask for a better session and am thrilled to finally show Miki and Ed a sneak peek at their pictures. They adopted sweet Liron at birth and are just beaming with love for him. I normally end with my favorite from the session, but I am going to start with it today because this, my friends-is perfect love. If this picture were mine, it would be enlarged as big as I could make it for my walls!

I love how Miki is looking at Liron with loving eyes as only a mother could give, and Ed is slightly blurred in the background looking down on them as if to say "You two are my world and I will always keep you safe..."
I loved it both in bw and color that you get to see it both ways. Again-love how black and white allows you to see into their souls, and color brings you back to life and just makes a gorgeous picture. I guess subconsciously I like the bw better because I knew it HAD to go first, but I still love the color.

I love this too-

Okay, this is hilarious (to me at least)...
Dad went to University of Utah for undergrad and they are huge Utes fans, plus when I asked Miki to tell me more about this Utes story and why they are fans, she was like "well, they both look good in red!" So funny! So, I picked out one especially for Ed and towards the end of my processing of the image I noticed something that literally made me laugh out loud-hard. Take look at this new, precious, Utes take a look at his left hand. that a slap in the face to Dad or is it just that he doesn't agree that red is his color? Ha!
Liron, are either going to learn fast that you have to appease your parents with their fan-love relationship with their Alma mater, or you have the best sarcasm at 19 days that I have ever seen! :) Love it! Ed-I promise I have another one where he is showing a little more respect to your team!

Just beautiful...

And special thanks to my parents for letting me use their home as my studio for the day, and to my photog friend, Tammy, who graciously let me borrow your awesome camera! My husband does not thank you though because it made me go out and buy one the very next day! :)