If you have emailed me and have NOT received a response, please check your SPAM folder for my emails. I respond to every email, and usually do so within 24 hours. If you feel like I have not responded to you, please contact me again and leave your phone number so that I can call you. Please add to your contacts to make sure and receive emails directly to your inbox. I have had a lot of trouble with this and sincerely apologize if you are one that experienced this and feel as if your email to me was not responded to. Thank you so much!


I am currently booking sessions for Spring sessions. Spring is always a busy time and weekends fill up very fast. Please contact me soon to get your session booked! I will always make room for newborns as they come on their own little schedules, but would love as much advance notice as possible. Remember that newborn sessions are done within the first 2 weeks.

And Wednesday's winner is....The Nassief Family! {McKinney Family Photographer}

>> Wednesday, November 18, 2009

This blogging every night is getting to seem like a game to me. I sat here thinking tonight that there are so many people waiting on proofs for Christmas that if you are checking the blog at all this week, you are probably like "is it going to be MY turn tonight?!" Well, there is a light at the end of this tunnel, and we're headed towards it! I know you are getting anxious about Christmas cards and gifts and I want you to know that I am working day and night in front of this computer to get them all to you on time. I will be all done with everything by the end of next week and then the turn around time is practically nothing. So don't worry! We'll get there! Thanks again for being so patient.

Okay, so not to take too much away from this wonderful, Spirit-filled family! I gathered that Holly was a very positive, glass half-full type of girl just over emails before our session and she totally is that, and more. She was so sweet, energetic, a fabulous and nurturing mother, and was just such a breath of fresh air to be around for our short morning together. John and Holly are another amazingly in-love couple and even though I saw their love and respect for each other during our photo shoot, it was realized again after I got home and Holly added me on Facebook. I hope you don't mind Holly, but I looked through your wall and was almost brought to tears by the anniversary note that John wrote you. I mean, is that not the best anniversary present in itself or what?

McKenna and Noah started out wanting to be no closer than an arms length of each other, but our little "games" pulled them in! McKenna was an easy one to get in front of the camera. She actually wanted to be in front of the camera showing me all her "motions" as she put it. Too cute...brings a smile to my face just thinking of her doing all her posing! Watch out Holly and John! Noah needed a little bit more convincing, but showing him how handsome he was on my camera really helped out.

I hope you enjoy your peek Team Nassief (love this)! Your proofs will be ready soon!

My new favorite sibling shot! What a team!